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A successful website is always changing.
Website Evolution. This relates a website, to that of a parent. A parent, will probably be able to relate to that comparison.
Owners of a website, are aware that developing it is not a one-time operation, but rather a continuous endeavour. That continues throughout the lifespan of the company.
People who are focused on developing a business are also aware that the website should grow at an exponential rate in order to support the business objectives.
No matter what stage the company is in, start by analysing the annual marketing expenses. Devising a strategy that includes incremental website enhancements as well as increasing the on-line exposure and visibility.
Considering the business to be like a second child and considering how the growth of the business has played a role in the development of the website. We can see how this metaphor makes sense when it comes to raising children.
Early stages of websites
At the beginning of their lives, children require a great deal of parental attention and guidance. Growth on both a physical and mental level is dependent on the care and training provided throughout the formative years.
If you’re a parent, this is something that comes naturally and is expected because having a child significantly changes your life.
It is not natural to compare or have the same expectations when it comes to nurturing and growing your website.
It’s normal to expect your child to require ongoing supervision and instruction, but we must instil the same expectations and practice in order to use comparable caution in an effort to expand the business through the website.
However, the good news is that websites do not have nappies that need to be changed.
As a parent begins to anticipate the arrival of their child, they are naturally preoccupied with thoughts of how their child will turn out in the future.
We have tremendous expectations for children to be better than us and to accomplish incredible things. What methods are used to apply this sort of thinking to the website?
Should the website be responsible for bringing in 70% of customers? Maybe 40 %? What in the world do we do to even come up with an acceptable aim that is a realistic possibility?
That realisation is partially based on the industry, consumer base, and marketing budget, to name a few considerations. The good news is that it is easy to make changes to the strategy as the business grows and develops.
Feed the website
You can’t really feed your website with baby food or milk. In this case, we are talking about adding valuable and healthy content.
New content is highly valued by visitors. Maintaining the attention of your readers is essential, but this does not imply that you must produce a 7,000-page piece every day.
Create a post on social media, compose a Blog article, or even upload some photos to share with others. Consistency, on the other hand, is essential.
Visitors like it when they can tell that staff are actively involved. There is no need to have a massive, sophisticated website to accomplish goals. All that is required is a website that is high in quality, secure, and simple to access.
The frequency with which content updates are made will be determined solely by the type of website. It is critical to provide information in order to be visible in comparison to competitors. Remember, it should be easy to make changes to the website after it has been published.
Grow the website
It is acceptable to draw parallels between parenting children and expanding the business. While parents are concerned about the physical development of children, we are equally concerned with the development of their minds.
Education is a critical component of a child’s growth and development. Consider the information contained on the website as well as the continuing content marketing and promotion efforts to deliver value to customers.
Customer education must continue to be provided through the creation of material that is both relevant to their requirements and educational to them.
People will be able to find the website more easily if they are searching for the kinds of products and services that are on offer. This will help establish an audience and increase visibility in search results.
Take the website for regular check-ups
Does the website need a doctor? Of course, it does! Well, not a medical doctor but someone who can regularly tell you about the health and performance of the website. We are a Webmaster to many small companies. It saves time and costs.
A website must have access to an analytical tool that will allow the tracking of the performance of the site. These metrics can assist in determining how well the website is performing and how it may be improved. A Mystery Shopper visit can uncover many existing problems, well worth the effort.
It is highly advisable to set up Google Analytics in order to obtain more detailed statistics. Be careful to omit the website IP address from the list to avoid receiving erroneous information.
Consequences of not caring for the website
Once a child is born, it cannot be left to grow and eat on their own. The child will always require time, care, and attention of the parents. If a parent fails to do so, then it is obvious the child will develop problems.
Similarly, owning a website, this cannot be forgotten after publishing. There are several important factors that need the attention of a website owner. Every UK website must meet certain legal requirements and publish that information.
Important elements of a website:
Content Management Systems (CMS) such as WordPress and it’s themes require regular updates. Failure to update will mean problems develop over time.
Website speed is another important factor that most website owners don’t care about. Retaining customers depends on website speed.
Old and outdated Plugins will cause a website to slow down, and could introduce security breaches.
Similarly, broken links will turn customers off, and make the website struggle to appear in Google searches.
Final Verdict
A website must be considered an essential part of a companies growth.
It’s essential to regard the website as a living thing that requires constant attention and maintenance in order to propel company growth.